Incorporating spirituality into a life coaching program can have very powerful benefits. The spiritual techniques that I will guide you through can help you to make important life decisions with ease and clarity by showing you how to tune into your own intuition and receive guidance from your higher power. Spiritual life coaching has the ability to help you live in the present moment at all times and to reframe so-called negative situations to then seeing them as events that promoted personal growth and strength within you. Every client that I have worked with as a spiritual coach has felt an overwhelming sense that they are loved and that all is well when we used the spiritual processes. It helps you connect to the spiritual part of you that is always there but often gets neglected in everyday life. When you strengthen that spiritual connection you are accessing a powerful tool for healing and manifesting what you want in life. I can attest to this personally as I work with my own spiritual life coach. It has been truly life changing for me and I am excited to share these techniques with you.